Every CU (especially smaller CUs) should have a CMO

Credit Union CEOs need CMOs ASAP & PDQ

…by tacking on facilities management duties or some other unrelated title is way too  common, but Marketing is a big job that requires 100% focus.  Dang, sounds expensive… We’ve worked…

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Design is now everyone's job.

If Big Blue can pivot, so can you.

…including their complete miss on the growth of the personal computer in the 70s and early 80s that ended up spelling doom for their dominance in the mainframe computer market….

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Will Robots Take My Job?

…might affect your job in the future. At the website willrobotstakemyjob.com, you can test your current occupation against their data by inputting your job. The exercise is fun, but also eye-opening,…

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Mistakes happen, but this industry is built on customer service

Don’t be like an airline

You might not think that an airline has a lot in common with a credit union. But when you think about it, people come to both airlines and CUs because…

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Career lessons from the funny farm

…it all. Sure, I had class worries, girlfriend woes, my car was a rusted heap and I never seemed to get enough sleep, but I had no reason to complain….

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We love smiles

…something unique to use for employee recruitment, they contacted us to create this :30 spot to run on the big screen before movies at local theaters. Pass the popcorn! https://youtu.be/68l3XrHaMM0…

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Don't be in too much of a hurry to offer that shiny, slick experience.

I’d rather have the dirt shower

…Formula 1 for cars. MotoGP means the absolute best riders in the world and the absolute latest and greatest in motorcycle technology. And since 2008, one of the US MotoGP…

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