Access looks different for each individual

Do your members have the access they need?

…are some (completely free!) ideas that could help you improve your members’ access to credit union services: Evening and weekend hours. I know, no one wants to be the evenings…

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If we want to still be around in the future, we need to let younger members shape that future.

Why you need fewer members who look like me

…updating the one you have. Saving for your kid’s college or starting a retirement fund. The possibilities are endless, and can be overwhelming, which is where you come in. You…

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A great website is a screaming bargain.

Five things to expect when building a new web site

…You’ll be completely over your head. And that’s completely OK. Designing and building a website is at least ten times more complicated than a print project. The technologies involved are…

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Marketing shouldn't begin and end on the home page.

CU Website Best Practices: Be Nice to Bookmarkers

…bill pay, remote deposit and other compatible services. In other words, if people are using bookmarks to skip the home page, that’s perfectly peachy. Respect their preferences and communicate with…

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Learn to love the human stories behind the numbers

CU Numbers Need Marketing Love, Too

Quick, what’s your CU’s current Net Worth/Total Assets ratio? How about Total Loans/Total Shares? What percentage of your members are borrowers? How do these compare to other CUs like yours?…

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Be seen as a resource about money, not simply as a source of it

How credit unions can be much more than loan retailers

…management skills. More than 1,200 student volunteers each year complete job applications, have one-on-one interviews, then serve as branch managers, tellers, accountants, computer operators and marketing representatives at their credit…

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ICYMI: In case you missed it

In Case You Missed It (v14)

…or 2-person marketing team to get things done, especially when you don’t have much of a budget. Here’s a list of 100 free resources for images, videos, templates and more….

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it's a very different way of doing business, but credit unions are very different

Maybe transparency is worth a try

You have to wonder — what would happen if you were completely transparent, if you told your members the 100% unadulterated truth for once, and let them draw their own…

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Go where the big boys can't follow

Five Big Ideas for transforming your CU

community hub. Community involvement should be a critical career expectation for branch managers and staff, and branches should be designed for a variety of uses tailored to their community –…

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