Five reasons your website is a fright

In honor of spooky season, let’s talk about a few of the ways your credit union website might be causing horrible moaning and groaning, or even frightening members away. And, more importantly, what you can do about it. 1) It’s mummified and lifeless Does your website just sit there, creepily staring into space, with no…

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You need to nurture your social media audiences if you want them to blossom and bear fruit.

You need to be social to grow Social Media

You’ve done it. You created accounts for your Credit Union on every social media platform, picked your social media management tool, and started planting some custom content. You post at the recommended times, and answer your followers’ and fans’ messages. In short, you’ve planted your social media garden. Congrats! Good job! But your engagement, the…

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Help members help themselves

How your website can help members help themselves

Even though branches are still one of the primary avenues for member service, many credit union members still prefer to manage their money and get the answers they need online or by phone rather than in-person. After all, why not save a trip and save time? Which is why one of the consistent trends for…

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Video is about connecting humans to humans (or funny cats).

Ten fast video content ideas for credit unions

Everyone knows that video content is the most engaging by far on websites and social media. That goes double when branch access is restricted, and people are depending heavily on online access. Of course, credit union products and services are a little abstract, so it can be hard to figure what’s interesting and engaging. Here…

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catch members at crucial points in their decision-making process

How to add financial calculators to your credit union website

Financial calculators are a great way to make your credit union’s website more useful and interactive for your members. Credit union websites are a little different than most; one way to look at it is that your website is primarily a tool, not a destination: members visit your website to get things done. Good financial…

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Credit unions can be far more efficient if they replace paper forms with online forms.

How to add secure forms to your credit union website

One of the more common questions we get from our credit union website clients is “how can we put secure forms on our website?” Credit unions can be far more efficient if they replace paper forms and processes with online forms. And of course, no-contact member service is a lot safer all around if you…

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What effects can we see and what can we learn

How COVID-19 has changed credit union website stats

A few days ago, I saw some very interesting stats from Google on how profoundly movement patterns have changed in recent weeks. The data comes from anonymized location data from Android users who have Location History turned on: And I started wondering… what effects can we see by comparing the last few weeks of…

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Fill in the most urgent needs, but also look for some quick wins

Turn your CU website into a virus fighter

Now that we’re here in the new normal, your credit union’s website is the focal point of contact with your members. With everyone hunkered down and branches mostly closed, now is the time to beef up your website to make sure your members get what they need to weather the storm. Here’s what we’ve been…

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Do you know where your dots are?

Dot org, dot com, dot what? How to keep your domain names safe.

Every website needs a domain name so that human beings can find it. In fact, your domain name is one of the most valuable assets you own. And of course, email doesn’t work without a domain name. That’s why it’s vitally important to make sure your domain names are always protected, and that you have…

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how to build a better RFP to get the credit union website of your dreams.

A better way to build a credit union website RFP

We’ve built a lot of credit union websites and we’ve seen and responded to a lot of website RFPs (Requests for Proposals). And let’s be honest here: most RFPs and RFP processes… aren’t that great. Most CU website RFPs tend to be based on generic “fill in the blank” templates that focus on technology, laundry…

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